Principal Investigators

Michael Pollastri, Ph.D.

Senior Vice Provost
Academic Lead, The Roux Institute

Professor of Chemistry & Chemical Biology

Lori Ferrins, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Pharmaceutical Sciences

Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Research Scientist

Marco Mottinelli, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist

Postdoctoral Researchers

Olaia Marti Mari, Ph.D.

Yetunde Oyesakin, Ph.D.

Sam Spijkers-Shaw, Ph.D.

Saloni Patel, Ph.D.

Doctoral Students

Caroline Millard ’25

Hayden Motter ’27

Jess Pennington ’28

Jasmyn Genchev ’27

Vinou Val ’27

Undergraduate Students

Maia Paymar ’26

Maia is a 3rd year biochemistry major from Portland, Oregon. Outside of science she enjoys hiking, reading, knitting, and drawing.

Thomas Waltz-Chesnaye ’25

Tommy is an honors student from Maryland majoring in biochemistry. Outside of the lab, he enjoys basketball, weightlifting, and guitar. 

Jordan Miller ’25

Jordan is a 4th-year chemistry major from Vestal, New York. Outside of the lab, she enjoys hiking, skiing, cooking, and baking.

Madison Bonomolo ’25

Madison is a 3rd year biochemistry major from Tucson, Arizona. Outside of the lab, she enjoys reading, traveling, running, and coffee.

Alex Petruzzelli ’25

Alex is a fourth-year chemistry major with a minor in computer science from Long Island, New York. Besides science, he enjoys listening to music,  solving Rubik’s Cubes, and going for walks around Boston. 

Bella Baratta ’25

Bella is a 4th year student majoring in chemistry with a minor in political science from Toronto, Canada. 

Outside of science, they enjoy crocheting, jazz music, analogue photography, reading, and travelling. 

Varun Bulusu ’25

Varun is a 4th year Chemistry major from Clinton, New Jersey. Outside of science, he enjoys watching movies, listening to music, and going on runs.